Tech.Pass Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide to the Visa Program


As you explore the evolving landscape of technology and innovation, Singapore emerges as a key player with its Tech.Pass initiative. This unique visa program, administered by the Economic Development Board, aims to attract established tech entrepreneurs, leaders, and technical experts from around the world, encouraging them to contribute to the growth of Singapore's tech ecosystem. 

This opportunity allows you to participate in frontier and disruptive innovations, broadening your horizons and impacting the global tech industry.

Eligibility Criteria For Tech.Pass Application

Woman learning how to program

Experience and Background

To apply for the Tech.Pass in Singapore, you need to have relevant experience and a strong background in your country's tech hub. As experienced tech professionals aiming for this pass, you are required to meet at least two of the following conditions:

  • Have a last drawn fixed monthly salary (in the last year) of at least S$20,000

  • Possess a minimum of five cumulative years of leadership experience in a tech company with a valuation/market cap of at least US$500 million or have raised at least US$30 million in funding.

  • Demonstrate significant experience as an executive or professional in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)

Showcasing your talent, expertise, and achievements in these areas will make your application more competitive.

Financial Requirements

As a potential Tech.Pass holder, you must demonstrate your financial capacity to meet the required criteria. Your application will be assessed based on personal income, company revenue, and annual business spending. Some examples of requirements include:

  • Showing a fixed monthly salary of at least S$20,000 in the past year

  • Proving that your eligible tech company has at least US$500 million  valuation/market cap of or has raised minimum funding of US$30 million

  • Ensuring that your business's financial spending and revenue demonstrate growth and sustainability

Meeting these experience and financial requirements increases your chances of obtaining a Tech.Pass in Singapore.

Comparison with Other Passes in Singapore

Unlike the Employment Pass (EP), Dependent Pass (DP), and Permanent Residence (PR), Tech.Pass offers greater flexibility and unique opportunities tailored to tech professionals.

How to Apply for Tech.Pass in Singapore

Documents Required

Once you meet the eligibility criteria for applying for a Tech.Pass in Singapore, you must prepare and submit the necessary documents. 

  1. Passport

  2. Employment contract or payslips as proof of salary

  3. Evidence of business track record and professional accomplishments

  4. Any other supporting documents that can help in your application

Once these documents are prepared, it’s time to start the application process:

  • Prepare all required documents. Ensure that they are translated into English if necessary.

  • Download the following forms from EDB for yourself and for your dependants (if applicable)

  • Submit your application form and other required documents online through MOM’s Tech.Pass portal. There's an application fee of SGD 105.

  • Wait for the application outcome. This usually takes about three weeks.

    • If approved, you must pay SGD 225 for the issuance fee and SGD 30 for the multiple journey visa.

  • Consent to access your data from other government agencies, if applicable.

  • Any Long-Term Visit Pass applications for your family members (if applicable).

Evaluation of Tech.Pass Applications

The Singapore Economic Development Board evaluates your application by checking your eligibility, submitted documents, and current quota availability. 

Upon successful evaluation, you will be issued a Tech.Pass, allowing you to work and reside in Singapore. As a Tech.Pass holder, you can perform various roles, such as investor, employee, or director, as long as they relate to the tech industry.

Remember that even though this pass allows you more flexibility in your roles and activities, you still need to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and the specific conditions of your pass holder.

By following these steps and submitting your application accordingly, you can obtain a Tech.Pass and maximize the opportunities in Singapore's thriving tech ecosystem.

What Roles and Opportunities Are Open to Tech.Pass Holders?

Employment in Tech Companies

With a Tech.Pass, you can work in multiple roles within the tech industry in Singapore. As an experienced professional, your skills will be highly sought after by Singapore-based tech companies. This allows you the freedom to explore your interests and contribute to various projects across different tech organizations.

Startup Founders

Suppose you possess entrepreneurial aspirations, Singapore Tech.Pass offers the flexibility to start and operate one or more tech companies in the city-state. With a strong ecosystem of tech talent and available resources, setting up a Singapore institute focused on building a tech enabled product can provide you with the foundation for success in your entrepreneurial journey.

Mentorship and Advisory Roles

Your expertise as a Tech.Pass holder is not limited to working in tech companies or starting their own business. You can also take consultant or mentor positions, providing guidance and support to local startups and tech enterprises. Additionally, you can contribute to the educational sector by lecturing in local institutions of higher learning or corporate training classes. Sharing your knowledge and experience in these capacities will help shape future generations of tech professionals in Singapore.

Make the most of your Singapore Tech.Pass by working with diverse tech companies, founding new ventures, and offering mentorship, corporate training, and advice. Singapore's dynamic environment encourages innovation, collaboration, and professional growth.

Benefits of Tech Pass Singapore

Family Immigration

One of the significant advantages of obtaining a Singapore Tech.Pass is the opportunity to bring your family along. If you're a Tech.Pass holder, you can apply for a Dependant's Pass for your spouse and unmarried children under 21 or Long Term Visit Pass. 

Flexibility in Employment

With a Singapore Tech.Pass, you'll enjoy unparalleled flexibility in your employment options. This means you can take on multiple roles simultaneously, such as starting and operating a Singapore based company, working as an employee for one or more Singapore-based organizations, or providing consultation and mentorship services. You can also share your expertise by lecturing at local institutions of higher learning.

The flexibility in employment enables you to build a diverse professional network, not just limited to your current role. You'll also find it easier to change jobs, roles, or even industries without needing a new work pass, making your life in Singapore hassle-free and full of opportunities. Promotions aren't an issue, so you could move up as senior researcher, senior engineer, or even take up a management or leadership role in the tech sector.

In summary, the Singapore Tech.Pass offers a unique opportunity to expand your personal and professional horizons. With the ability to bring your family to Singapore and the flexibility in employment opportunities, you can make the most of your time in this thriving city.

Renewal and Quota of Tech Pass Singapore

Renewal Criteria

The initial validity of Tech.Pass is two years and you can apply for a one-time renewal for another two years if you fulfill the requirements. Ensure you have checked that you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for renewal. Also, be prepared to provide the necessary supporting documents during the application process.

As a Tech.Pass holder, it is vital to stay updated with Singapore-based tech companies and remain active in the tech-based industry. Moreover, in particular tech field, having cumulative years of experience in this field will be beneficial.

Yearly Quota Limitation

There is a quota for Tech.Pass, which limits the number of pass holders allowed each year. This quota ensures Singapore maintains a healthy balance between local and foreign tech talent. Staying informed about the quota limit will help you plan your application and dependant's pass accordingly.

In summary, to successfully renew your Tech.Pass and be aware of the yearly quota limitation, meet the eligibility criteria, provide the necessary supporting documents, and focus on working in Singapore's tech industry. Regularly check relevant updates and stay closely connected to the growing tech community in Singapore.

How Piloto Asia Can Assist: Your Trusted Partner

At Piloto Asia, we understand the intricacies of Tech.Pass and are committed to guiding you through the application process. 

Our comprehensive assistance includes personalized consultation services tailored to your needs. Whether you need help with Tech.Pass applications, company registration, or other related services; our team of experts is here to support you. 

Reach out to us by filling up the form below for personalized assistance.

Impact on Singapore's Tech Ecosystem

Local Company Growth

The implementation of Tech.Pass in Singapore significantly contributes to the growth of the local tech ecosystem. You'll find that the influx of experienced entrepreneurs and technical experts creates a robust environment for innovation, particularly in areas such as fintech and the technology sector. This, in turn, supports the rise of more successful startups, increases market cap, and strengthens the overall competitiveness of the nation's technology ecosystem.

As a business owner or a shareholder, you can leverage the increased talent pool to drive your company's innovation and take advantage of potential partnerships with newly founded local organizations. Whether your company focuses on design or cutting-edge technology, Tech.Pass grants you access to a thriving community of professionals and a lasting positive impact on your business operations.

Global Collaboration

Singapore's Tech.Pass initiative also fosters global collaboration, opening doors for international cooperation between various Singapore based tech companies and players in the tech ecosystem. Tech.Pass holders can participate in activities like mentoring startups, lecturing at local universities, or engaging in cross-border projects. As a result, you can expand your company's international presence and establish strategic partnerships with leading global firms.

Through global collaboration, the technology sector in Singapore benefits from exposure to diverse ideas, knowledge transfer, and easier access to international markets. This expansion helps position Singapore as a key player in the global technological landscape.


Business networks play a critical role in the success of all Singapore based tech companies and the introduction of Tech.Pass helps expand your network even further. Tech.Pass holders often have many connections and expertise in their respective fields. As a consultant or a participant in the local tech ecosystem, your opportunities for networking increase exponentially with the arrival of these trailblazers.

With an expanded network, you'll have increased opportunities for partnering, funding and learning from diverse professionals. By tapping into this collective knowledge, your business is well-equipped to navigate and flourish in Singapore's dynamic tech ecosystem.

The Wrap Up

In conclusion, the Tech.Pass presents many unique benefits, offering tech professionals unparalleled opportunities to thrive in Singapore's vibrant tech ecosystem. By simplifying the application process and broadening eligibility criteria, the government aims to attract top talents worldwide.

To embark on your Tech.Pass journey, ensure you meet the requirements, and gather the necessary documentation. Remember, perseverance and a passion for technology will fuel your success. 

As you navigate the global tech landscape, consider Singapore as your destination of choice. With its robust infrastructure, supportive environment, and unwavering commitment to innovation, Singapore fosters an ecosystem conducive to growth and collaboration. Embrace this opportunity, embrace the future of technology, and let Singapore be the launchpad for your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions About Singapore Tech.Pass

  • It would help if you met certain eligibility criteria to qualify for a Singapore Tech.Pass. You should have a track record of successful tech innovations, substantial experience in leading tech companies, or significant investments in tech companies. You can find more information on the eligibility criteria at the Singapore EDB.

  • The Singapore Tech.Pass is designed for highly accomplished tech experts, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to work and contribute in Singapore's tech ecosystem, while the Employment Pass (EP) is for foreign professionals, managers, and executives with job offers in Singapore. The Tech Pass is more focused on attracting top tech talent and offers greater flexibility in employment, business setup, business income, and investment opportunities.

  • Tech Pass holders enjoy multiple benefits, such as working for one or more Singapore-based companies, starting their businesses, acting as investors or mentors to Singapore-based companies, and switching between these roles without needing to apply for separate passes. They can also bring their dependents to Singapore and apply for Long Term Visit Passes for their parents.

  • Tech Pass is a talent visa to attract world-class tech professionals to Singapore. It aims to facilitate the growth of the local tech ecosystem by bringing in foreign experts who can contribute their skills, knowledge, and experience.

  • First, to apply for a Singapore Tech.Pass, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria and are prepared with the required supporting documents. Then, download the Tech Pass application form for yourself and your dependents, if applicable, and submit it through the provided channels.

  • The Economic Development Board (EDB) is a government agency responsible for developing Singapore's economy and creating sustainable growth. It plays a technical role and a key role in facilitating Tech Pass applications, providing guidelines on eligibility criteria, processing applications, and offering support to Tech Pass holders to ensure their successful integration into Singapore's tech ecosystem.

  • Opting for a Tech Pass in Singapore opens numerous opportunities for tech entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe. Singapore is a global hub for technology and innovation, offering a robust infrastructure, a well-established startup ecosystem, a strategic location, and easy access to other booming Asian markets. The Singapore Tech Pass provides an extra edge by offering flexible multiple-entry stays, the ability to switch between companies or start your own, and operating as an investor.

    Moreover, Singapore is considered one of the best countries to set up a holding company. The strategic benefits include friendly taxation policies, an investor-friendly business environment, a strong legal framework and a wide network of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Therefore, applying for a Tech Pass in Singapore could indeed be a wise decision for tech entrepreneurs and talent who are looking to expand their business operations in Southeast Asia.

  • The Tech.Pass programme is a government-sponsored scheme that allows foreign tech professionals to work in Singapore. The Singapore corporate tax guide states that tax exemptions and deductions can help reduce the corporate tax liability of companies that employ Tech.Pass holders. This can make Singapore an attractive location for tech businesses.

  • In Singapore, the Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) is a mandatory filing requirement for all companies. Companies are required to submit their ECI to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) within three months from the end of their financial year

  • Opting for a Tech Pass in Singapore opens numerous opportunities for tech entrepreneurs and leaders around the globe. Singapore is a global hub for technology and innovation, offering a robust infrastructure, a well-established startup ecosystem, a strategic location, and easy access to other booming Asian markets. The Singapore Tech Pass provides an extra edge by offering flexible multiple-entry stays, the ability to switch between companies or start your own, and operating as an investor.

    Moreover, Singapore is considered one of the best countries to set up a holding company. The strategic benefits include friendly taxation policies, an investor-friendly business environment, a strong legal framework and a wide network of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). Therefore, applying for a Tech Pass in Singapore could indeed be a wise decision for tech entrepreneurs and talent who are looking to expand their business operations in Southeast Asia.